F1GP/WC Utilities & Add-ons


AGPLapTime is a utility which may be used to log entire races, in detail. Things that are logged include lap times, fastest laps, car setups, pitstops and retirements. The computer cars can be logged as well as the player's car.

The package itself consists of 4 programs:

  • AGPLapTime - the main program which patches into F1GP and records the log files.
  • AGPLap - reads log files and displays the contents lap by lap as text, with a useful table of statistics afterwards.
  • AGPLapD - reads log files and displays a graph (time against laps) which makes it very easy to compare, at a glance, performances of each driver during a race.
  • AGPLapMix - allows you to merge any number of log files together into a new log file.
Here are are some snippets of AGPLap output to give you an idea of what to expect:
Car Driver                 Lap CP TG LapTime  BestTime  SessionTime Difference
*45 Marco Saupe             42  7 89 Pits in            0h59m35.721
*15 Argyris Maistralis      40 17 93 1:24.168 1:23.234  0h59m37.584 + 3:59.897
*46 Thomas Bodlien          42  7 94 1:22.263 1:21.219  0h59m41.543 + 1:13.028
* 8 Axel Bruns              42  8 93 1:23.021 1:21.085  0h59m43.372 + 1:14.857
*45 Marco Saupe             42  9 -- Pits out on D's    0h59m44.215 pit  8.494
* 1 Oliver Roberts          43  1 94 1:18.801 1:18.801! 0h59m47.613 ----------
FL 1:18.801 Oliver Roberts, Ace, 716 HP, SF 16384, FR 10.0, 100%
*36 Steffen Diener          41 16 94 1:21.724 1:20.852  0h59m52.312 + 2:52.501
*24 Ignacio Garcia          42 10 91 -:--.--- 1:21.949  0h59m57.840 + 1:29.325
* 2 Michal Janak            43  2 91 -:--.--- 1:19.749  0h59m59.865 + 0:12.252
*37 Jonathan Stead          42 11 93 1:21.802 1:21.267  1h00m00.930 + 1:32.415
*36 Steffen Diener          42 -- -- Retired  228; 21%  1h00m06.617 0:03; 0:30
*36 Steffen Diener          42 -- -- Retired  236; 22%  1h00m07.679 0:03; 0:30
* 7 Markus Kruggel          43  3 92 1:20.573 1:19.967  1h00m11.775 + 0:24.162
*31 Rafal Ziarnik           42 12 85 Pits in            1h00m16.597
*31 Rafal Ziarnik           42 12 -- Pits out on D's    1h00m25.091 pit  8.494
*16 Hendrik Mehl            42 13 94 1:26.398 1:21.804  1h00m30.331 + 2:01.816
*21 Jan Svehlik             43  4 91 -:--.--- 1:20.599  1h00m30.652 + 0:43.039
*13 Nuno Maltez             42 14 94 Pits in     RW     1h00m33.053

If you would like some sample logs, take a look at the logfiles for the 1996/97 and/or 1997/98 Internet Amiga F1GP Championships.

Current Version:1.2
Author:René Smit (AGPLapMix & AGPLapD by Grant Reeve)
Compatibility:All F1GP versions
System Requirements:AGPLapD requires Workbench 2.0 or higher - the other 3 programs will work on any Amiga
More Information:The program documentation is available on-line, if you would like to read about all the details.
Download:AGPLapTime.lha (52K)
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